Monday, February 25, 2013

Be Who You Are Destined To Be:

I refuse to buy things just to make me feel better. I refuse to paint my face each day to portray a fake picture on the outside when I know that God wants me to focus on the real picture which resides on the inside. I refuse to put other women down just to feel better about myself. I refuse to live my life through the lives of my kids. I refuse to get mad at my kids, husband, etc…for displaying behavior that I know lives in me. I refuse to envy other women that appear to have it all together because I know that they too struggle with some of the same issues I struggle with. I refuse to live in a world on the outside bouncing around like I’m exuberant and happy when I know that once I go back to the compounds of my own home and shut the door, close all the blinds, kiss everyone goodnight, cut off all the lights, and be still the only thing I can do is face the reality of the world that lives within. We are able to create the lifestyle that we want others to think we live, but our true lifestyle is one in which we are connected to our soul…our innermost being. True life is when we aware of what’s going on within and we accept all of the emotions, thoughts, and feelings that continues to surface and are still able to live…yes live. You see when we live a life that’s pleasing to the world we are merely dead creatures walking around earth appearing to be alive. Life, oh true life that is, comes when you connect with the Master to see who He created you to be. Who we are today is not who He created us to be before our mother’s even knew there was life in their womb. I refuse to live a life that’s pleasing to the world, modified to meet my selfish fleshly desires, and die living a lie. I refuse to not be who I was created to be…I AM DESTINED FOR ROYALTY!

Women do you even know who you are anymore? Would you even recognize the real you, or will you continue to be fooled by the fake woman YOU created? God wants the real you. When you notice the not so good things about yourself, and the things that you’re uncomfortable with accepting about you...that’s the real you. Accept the real you so that you can work to become the person that God created you to be. As long as you hide behind the crevices of a fake person you will never be able to know the real you. So today go back and find that woman that you really desire to know again…she’s ready to meet up with you. Sit down for coffee and erase everything off of your schedule because this meeting may take a while. When you get there you will find that the woman you’re meeting with today is the woman you were created to be.

In His love and mine,

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