Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Seeking God first in all your ways

This morning I opened my Bible to start following a reading plan instead of just doing my own thing during my devotional time. The scripture for today is Matthew 6:33..."But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you." (ESV) I almost slammed my Bible shut when I read this scripture because I've read it so many times but never allowed it to sink as deep into my spirit as it did today. In my mind I was like, "Really God? Is that all I have to do?" I don't know why I asked God such a silly question when I already knew that was all I had to do. Sometimes the hardest part about doing is doing what you already know to do. What I've learned these past few weeks is that as soon as I take control of my mind and allow that space to only be occupied by Godly thoughts then my life seems to flow so much smoother. It's not that everything is peaches and cream, but it makes going through the tough days much easier. I refuse to allow the devil to use my mind as his playground, see-sawing and merry go rounding while swinging back and forth and eventually sliding down the slide into my actions. I refuse to be used by Satan to glorify him. I do have the mind of Christ, and I will follow after His righteousness in all of my ways. So today I encourage you on your journey to perfectionism to perfect living out Matthew 6:33 and watch God start adding things to you. 


Father I thank You for being the God of a second chance. I acknowledge that I have not been seeking You and Your kingdom first. I acknowledge that sometimes I seek my own righteousness because it makes more sense to me. I refuse to continue to worship Satan by not following after You and Your righteousness. I thank You for being a forgiving God, and for forgiving me for my trespasses. I declare today that I will seek after You and Your ways in every area of my life and I thank You in advance for what will be added to my life for doing so...Amen

In His love and mine,

1 comment:

  1. You're right. We always know what to do but sometimes don't do it. When things don't seem like they are going right it's hard at times and the enemy starts trying to play with my mind. However, I know that God has something better, the enemy does not reign over me and I have to take root in the word rather than take root in the doubt that tries to overcome me. I'm learning to take in stride, count it all joy, make a joke of it and laugh.
